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Wine tours with Ronny Ohayon 

There's a story to every wine and a wine to every story

Wine “Tales &Trails” is a central local point for Tours, workshops and meeting that brings the unique experience of the Israeli wine culture. It is combined with outdoor trips in hidden trails and corners of fields and vineyards surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape. The tours and trails pass along varied wine growth areas in the country; enabling interesting encounters with magical winery cellars and with passionate people and their fascinating stories.

נעים להכיר

Pleasure to meet you

טיולי יין עם רוני אוחיון

Ronny is a native Israeli born and resident of the pastoral community village “Har Halutz” in the upper west Galilee. With deep love and affection of the wine culture, longtime desire for nature walk, Ronny is guiding and leading friends and group members throughout the side trails in the country for over 20 years. During that time I've been exploring and traveling in different wine regions in the world, drinking and tasting variety of wines and share those joyful experiences and wine stories with friends and acquaintances. I found out in many of the wine events, fairs, workshops and winery visits that there is a mutual interest base between the wine lovers and the wine creators, which apart from the wine itself is the story of the wine. Whether it's a wine enthusiast's personal story or a deep and wide story surrounding third-generation family of farmers or visionaries story with a dream of making wine, it’s always fun, between wine sipping to tell and listen to these stories.  Basically this is the main point I want to bring you up with, to familiarize yourself with the wine world a little better, at eye level, in the wine nature with the social and personal experience where anyone can feel ease to share their stories.

שותים ומשוטטים

לצלם סיפור בכרם

טיולים לארגונים

יין וקולינריה

חוויה לאוהבי יין

ימי הולדת ואירועים


Personalized Tours


חוויות משכרות בדרכים מפתיעות

מרכז הסיורים פועל בשיתוף פעולה עם יקבים וכרמים בעלי אופי ייחודי וגורמים נבחרים בעולם היין הישראלי והעולמי ומפעיל צוות מדריכים, מספרי סיפורים וצלמים מנוסים ומקצועיים.

"בשבילי היין" מציע לאוהבי היין והטבע מגוון פעילויות משמחות ומהנות.

יין מחבר בין אנשים באשר הם, ואחרי מספר לגימות

המחיצות נפתחות והשמחה מתפרצת :-)


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